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Mitteilungen : 191 von 200
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Anzahl Mitteilungen : 208
am 04/09/2006 an 05:11
Punkte : -/10

Enjoy the chance to catch up with former classmates via the internet. Thanx to Janice and MaryKay for the opportunity.

After living in the Tahoe area for 19 years, I have moved farther north and am now happily settled on Whidbey Is. Lovely place to live - great to see the grandchildren often.

I haven't missed a reunion but have missed some of my teammates and classmates who have not attended. Time is getting short. Don't miss the next one. My husband attended his 50th this past year and it was the first one he had attended (has been to three of mine already). He truly regretted that he waited so long to get back in touch with his former classmates.

Have a happy Spring.

Saturday March 11, 2000 01:32:49 GMT
am 04/09/2006 an 02:10
Punkte : -/10

Like the web site. Haven't been back to your area for a couple of years, but that doesn't matter at this point in time. I kind of like it where I am. Haven't seen anyone I went to school with since the tenth reunion. At list I think it was the tenth. It's hard to believe it's been 35 years. I still have a daughter in high school here. I have two sons on their own. One in Chicago and one in Denver. I don't think they know about there reunions yet, but my oldest has his tenth next year. Hard to believe.
Will watch the page for ongoing info.

Saturday February 26, 2000 02:18:13 GMT
Mitteilungen : 191 von 200
Seite : 20
Anzahl Mitteilungen : 208